Our harvest season begins each October, and can continue on until January. Our olives are picked, sorted and cleaned by hand, and special care is taken to remove all leaves and debris that may cause bitterness in the resulting product.
This manual technique of harvesting olives is mastered by local resources and never by modern machinery, and the result is olives and extra virgin olive oil of exceptional quality.
To ensure peak freshness and highest quality, our olive oil is extracted from our 100 % organic olives within less than 24 hours of their harvest to ensure that all of the essential antioxidants, polyphenols and micronutrients in our olive oil are retained. This process allows the oil to be extracted naturally from the olive paste, without incorporating hot water or other external inputs.
Operating with mechanical pressure, our olives are cold-pressed allowing the separation of the olive oil from the paste naturally.
During this phase, water and olive oil are separated using vertical centrifugal separators. Due to their quick rotations, the heavier water flows out of the rotating cylinder, the lighter oil is collected in the center. Rigorous analytical control is carried out then to verify the yield and quality of the oil in compliance with all organic norms.
During this process, the oil is temporarily stored in large settling tanks which allow the rest of water micro-residues to be removed from the oil in a natural way.
Suite à cette opération et dès sa sortie des citernes, notre huile d’olive extra vierge est stockée dans des cuves en inox à double paroi d’isolation et des piles souterraines pour préserver ses antioxydants essentiels, les polyphénols et les micronutriments.
The best conditions are then put in place to preserve the oil in order to guarantee the best quality product that you can fully enjoy its aromas and benefits.
Cette étape consiste à filtrer l’huile qui était en cuve à l’aide d’une filtreuse mécanique à feuilles. L’huile passe sous pression à travers ces feuilles de papier spécial avec des trous microscopiques et est ensuite envoyée vers l’embouteilleuse.
C’est dans l’unité de conditionnement que la tradition oléicole laisse place à l’innovation. En effet, la mise en bouteille de notre huile d’olive passe par plusieurs étapes importantes à travers des chaines de conditionnement à la pointe de la technologie. Ces machines assurent un processus d’embouteillage automatisé, hygiénique et conforme aux normes de sécurité alimentaire en vigueur.
It is important to note that nowadays there are modern manufacturing methods that use more advanced technologies to extract olive oil. However, the traditional olive oil making process remains the most valued method for the quality and flavor of the olive oil produced.