Our engagement - Fermes Ali Sfar (FAS)

Organic farming is our passion

FAS Commitment to
Sustainable Development

We are committed to a sustainable development approach which aims to minimize the impact of our activity on the environment, to preserve biodiversity and to promote the sustainable use of resources.

Compliance with organic regulations

We respect organic production standards and regulations, which require the use of natural fertilizers such as compost and manure, rather than chemical fertilizers, natural pesticides such as essential oils and plant extracts to combat pests and diseases.

We are keen to adhere to strict hygiene and quality standards to ensure the absence of contaminants in our olive oil.

Meeting these organic standards allows us to produce high quality olive oil that is free from synthetic chemicals and is beneficial to health and the environment.

Use of water-saving production techniques:​

The treatment of vegetable water is an important step in the production of olive oil that requires special attention to preserve the environment. We practice spreading, which consists of spreading vegetable water (natural fertilizer) on the fields to fertilize the soil. This method is more environmentally friendly and should be chosen carefully to minimize the impact on the environment and maximize the sustainable use of resources.

Ali Sfar Farms is committed to producing responsibly and promoting a sustainable development model that preserves the environment and natural resources for future generations

Use of sustainable agricultural practices

We favor sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as crop rotation, biological pest control, the use of natural fertilizers, water management and the preservation of biodiversity.

Margin treatment

Water management is an important agricultural practice for the production of our organic olive oil. We practice water stewardship using techniques that avoid wasting water in our crops such as water reuse, drip irrigation and harvesting water from rain.

Respect for workers' rights

At Fermes Ali Sfar, respect for workers’ rights is essential and we are committed to providing safe, healthy and fair working conditions to ensure that workers are treated with dignity and respect.

Preservation of biodiversity

The adoption of organic farming has played an important role in the preservation of biodiversity and in sustainable development. By promoting sustainable farming practices, organic farming has helped us maintain soil quality, create habitats for wildlife and reduce negative environmental impacts. In addition, organic farming has encouraged a culture of respect for nature and biodiversity, while providing nutritious and quality food.

Fermes Ali Sfar is committed to producing responsibly and promoting a sustainable development model that preserves the environment and natural resources for future generations.

Agricultural practices used
in the production of olive oil

Our olive oil production is carried out in an ecological way using sustainable agricultural practices that conserve water, soil and biodiversity. In this way, we were able to contribute to the protection of the environment while producing high quality olive oil.


This agricultural practice of growing fruit trees or crops under taller trees. It promotes biodiversity in olive orchards. The trees also provide shade for the underlying crops, allowing us to reduce water consumption.


The adoption of this technique has allowed us to transform organic waste into natural fertilizer for olive trees. This method has helped us to improve soil structure and increase its ability to retain water thereby reducing ground and surface water contamination levels, which in turn has helped to optimize the overall health of agricultural ecosystems.

Crop rotation

We opted for this agricultural practice to alternate crops on a plot of land each year. This has allowed us to avoid soil nutrient depletion and reduce the spread of disease and pests.

The biological struggle

This technique consists of using insects, bacteria and fungi to control crop pests and diseases. This has allowed us to eliminate the use of pesticides and preserve soil biodiversity.
 long-term sustainability.

These agricultural practices used demonstrate our commitment to respect for the environment and the production of quality organic olive oil. They have also helped raise consumer awareness of the importance of choosing environmentally friendly products and supporting sustainable agriculture.

Our economic and social contribution to the rural community

Fermes Ali Sfar strives to be a good example of “corporate citizenship” and socially responsible by respecting the rights and voices of vulnerable groups, but more importantly by contributing to our local communities. The main potential contributions of agriculture to rural development are in terms of supporting employment and environmental services.

In our rural area, our activity is necessary to support the economic and social infrastructure. Thus, rural development has made it possible to improve the quality of life of the population by offering them the economic stability achieved thanks to our actions in rural areas such as:

– Bringing sustainable development to rural communities by offering them fair and equitable working conditions with decent wages, reasonable working hours, social benefits and the possibility of professional development.

– Cooperation with local producers to promote local production and consumption, which has helped strengthen links between actors in the agricultural sector and support the local economy.

– The fight for the repair of rural roads, tracks and bridges.

– The adaptation of an underground irrigation system and water supply.

– The creation of boreholes for the poorest to give them access to drinking water.

– Aid for the renovation of schools and health centres.

– The increase in the rate of electrification in the area by photovoltaic solar energy.

Our company is committed to encouraging such actions; which are vital for the improvement of living conditions, for the benefit of the local population in rural areas so that they can meet their basic needs and lead a social and economic productive life.

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